Sunday, April 2, 2017

Autism ACTION at OVHC!

Light it up TRUE in April!

Autism Awareness Month is upon us and for many of our members who have children on the autism spectrum, it can be a difficult month, especially in social media circles. While most of the country is "lighting it up blue," we will be lighting it up TRUE!

Kim Stagliano wrote this article two years ago. She is the managing editor of Age of Autism and has three daughters on the autism spectrum. She offers solid arguments to why we need Autism Action, not Autism Awareness!
Here at OVHC, we are in full time autism ACTION mode! We are constantly working behind the scenes to make sure we seize every opportunity to educate and advocate for our children now and for children of future generations.

But we can't do it alone! We need your help with these three important things:
1) EDUCATE ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Use social media to educate your friends and family. It won't be long before they also begin educating their friends and families. Follow our public page and share our posts! You can also retweet our posts on Twitter: @ok4vaxchoice

2) SPREAD THE WORD! Vaccine injury is a conversation worth having. The other day, a sweet little old man stopped me as I was walking out of the post office. He had seen the hashtag "#RFKCOMMISSION" written on my back windshield and he wanted to know what it was all about. Even though I was carrying an extremely heavy package and was in a hurry to get my kids to a class, I took the opportunity to educate him on some basic points: 1) I got 5 vaccines as a child, fully vaccinated children today get up to 70 by age 18; 2) No liability for vaccine makers; 3) Vaccine injury is real; 4) Fraud at Merck... At first he tried to make excuses for the vaccine industry... "Oh, they've made more discoveries lately, that's why there are more vaccines." But by the end of the conversation, he was talking about the fraud and deception he himself has noticed in health care and he told me I had some great points. I told him I appreciated him asking me about my hashtag. The whole conversation lasted five minutes! It was definitely a conversation worth having!

3) DONATE! April is a great month for donating! OVHC needs donations to function, protect, and advocate just as any other organization does. If everyone reading this set up a $10 reoccurring donation each month, we would be set! And this month we have TEN generous members who have agreed to match donations up to $2,000! So your contributions have double the impact!

Set Up a Reoccuring Donation Today!
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