Sunday, July 24, 2016

There's a new PAC in town!

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There's a New PAC in Town!

And we're NOT happy about it. It's called Vaccinate Oklahoma, Inc. Its sole purpose is to remove our vaccine exemptions and stop us from making further progress.

It gets better! Apparently, it's headed by Dr. Eve Switzer. The doctor who, in her own newsletter, describes her impatience with both her nurses and parents and that pesky informed consent issue. She has a blog too. Man, it speaks for itself. Check it out.

It's a very small group. But they will have pharmaceutical company financial backing which, as you all know, is limitless. This means we need donations and members!

Please donate whatever you can. Forget one Starbucks a month. Something. Anything. We have the numbers. We can do it. Donate HERE!

We want all our members to be wide awake and know that our exemptions and parental rights are not safe yet! Stay involved. Spread the word!

Want our exemptions? Come and take them. I dare you.

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Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC
PO Box 721356
Norman, Ok 73070

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