Monday, April 10, 2017

Don't get comfortable!!

Yes, we are winning, but don't get comfortable!

This is a marathon, not a sprint! Defeating tyrannical health bills is certainly a victory, but we are far from done! We are gearing up for special elections this summer and, for next year, Senator Yen is up for reelection! Do you think we're going to let him remain in office? Nope! But we can't do it alone. We have to have money to #yankyen! If you haven't yet set up your reoccurring monthly donation, please do so now! If everyone reading this did $10 a month, we would be set! And don't forget that right now, we have matchers prepared to match your donations! The leaders of this group take zero salary and, as a PAC, we are monitored by the Ethics Commission on every penny. So you can be sure your money will go to make sure freedom-loving candidates are supported all the way to their seats at the capitol.

Set Up a Reoccurring Donation Here
Education is another thing that MUST continue. Have you heard about the new docu-series The Truth About Vaccines? From the makers of The Truth About Cancer, Ty and Charlene Bollinger have done it again! This is a MUST watch and a MUST share with friends and family! This docu-series may be the final nail in the coffin of the vaccine industry's corruption and lies. Register now! The series begins April 12th!
The vaccination debate may be the most important debate of the 21st century. Which side of history do you want to be on? Have you armed yourself with all the facts? If you haven't yet watched these other award-winning documentaries, please watch them soon and share with your friends and family! Vaccine safety is always a conversation worth having!
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