Saturday, October 22, 2016

OVHC Voting Guide

See you at the polls!
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The OVHC-PAC 2016 Voting Guide is here!

Oklahomans for Vaccine & Health Choice - PAC has put together a voting guide for the upcoming elections. If personal liberties and parental rights are high on your list of concerns when selecting a candidate, then we recommend perusing this list and voting accordingly. The candidates in red are the ones we endorse as a PAC. Please vote for them! Our endorsed candidates are carefully selected after in-person interviews and viability factored in. Please vote with confidence! If your districts aren't on this list it could be because we never heard back from those candidates. Feel free to reach out to the candidates in your district to see how they feel about preserving parental rights, especially when it comes to vaccine laws. If you have feedback for us, please email us!

You can also find our complete candidate guide, which includes who NOT to vote for, on our website!

And don't forget to find your sample ballot here.

See you at the polls!

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Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC
PO Box 721356
Norman, Ok 73070

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