Friday, March 24, 2017

SB83 is DEAD!!

Parental rights in Oklahoma preserved for another year!

SB 83 was heard on the Senate floor Thursday and once again, OVHC members filled the seats around the proceedings to witness Senator Yen's tyrannical bill pass away. The debate was epic! Watch it here.

Big thanks to all the families who came out to fight for parental rights and for the vaccine injured!

We want to give special thanks to Senator Nathan Dahm, Senator Joseph Silk, Senator Joe Newhouse, Senator Ron Sharp, Senator Frank Simpson, Senator Kim David, Senator Dan Newberry, and others who debated in opposition and ALL the senators who voted against discrimination of parents who question, "Can our vaccines be safer?"

Please send them a thank you card!

Parental decisions based on education, life experience, and evaluation don't need to be questioned. The government asserting itself into the decision by forcing a propaganda video in order to assert these rights is an insult. Parental rights are God given, not government given!

Thanks to all who participated in this process, but it's not over!

There are still many concerns that we need to address so let the education continue. Don't stop networking with your legislators!

In addition, there are many legislators who need support for the 2018 elections. Please consider becoming a monthly contributor! Right now, we are matching donations! Over ten generous members have agreed to match your reoccurring donations! You can sign up for one time or monthly donations on our website. If you've ever thought about donating, now is the time! Your donation will have double the impact!


We have no paid lobbyists! All your money goes directly to the effort to keep your right to decide what is injected into your children. We are monitored by the Ethics Commission on every penny so you can be sure your money is used to ensure freedom-loving candidates are supported in office.

Big Pharma wants more liability-free vaccines and control of your body.

They have the money, but we have the passion, love, and power in numbers! Join us on Facebook! We need to keep moving and growing! It's not over!!!

Copyright © 2017 Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member of OVHC.

Our mailing address is:
Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC
PO Box 721356
Norman, Ok 73070

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Monday, March 20, 2017

A very important week!

Let's be ready!

This is the last week for SB 83 to be heard so it is HIGHLY LIKELY that it will be heard this week, either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Please check our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for daily updates. It is extremely important, as always, for as many members as possible to come to the capitol when the bill is being heard so let's all be ready to go at a moment's notice!

Until then, have you called, emailed, and made an appointment with your senator? If SB 83 passes, it will go to the House. This makes more work for us so let's kill it NOW! 

Don't know who your senator is? Click here to look up your state senator and state representative. Enter your address with zip code, scroll to the bottom until you see "State Senator" and "State Representative," and click on their pictures to get the phone number and email address of each. Please call and email your senator about SB 83! In the subject line of your email, put "From your constituent - NO SB83"

SB 83 impedes our religious expression and violates our first amendment rights. It also sets the stage for more rights to be stripped. In light of the increase in vaccines, our exemption rates are not low (only 1.4% are non-medical exemptions). As more vaccines are added that have no liability, the exemptions will rise! Tell them the problem is not parents exempting their children! It's the out-of-control vaccine schedule produced by vaccine makers who have no liability! Parents need to trust, not distrust the system!!
Update on HB 1922
Last week, we reported that there was an amendment to HB 1922 that removed the word "neglect" from the bill. Rep. Kannady was attempting two amendments in HB 1922, both with an apparent end in mind. Removing one of his amendments and leaving the other means he will have achieved half of his objectives. We know from experience that change is made incrementally and that by the time next session rolls around folks will have forgotten what the objections were and only one little word will have to be changed - adding neglect back in. And Oklahoma Justice Society has this objection to the "a child" change: "We object to the change from "the" to "a" because it opens up way too many allegations that cannot meet the due process standards under Crawford and the right to confront."

We believe it is better to err on the side of caution and not advance this bill.

This means we are back to opposing HB 1922. So call and email your representative TODAY as this bill will also very likely be heard this week in the House. If it passes, it will go on to the Senate. This bill is potentially more dangerous than SB 83, so PLEASE don't let this one slide by!

Happy to help.

Need help finding who your legislators are or need help setting up an appointment? Contact us! We're happy to help!

Copyright © 2017 Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member of OVHC.

Our mailing address is:
Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC
PO Box 721356
Norman, Ok 73070

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Monday, March 13, 2017

Update on HB 1922


HB 1922 has been amended to delete the word "neglect." There is now no reason to oppose this bill. We will continue to watch this bill as it moves through the House and the Senate. For now, please just oppose SB 83.

Copyright © 2017 Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a member of OVHC.

Our mailing address is:
Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC
PO Box 721356
Norman, Ok 73070

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