Friday, June 24, 2016

HERE IT IS! Your Voting Guide!

OVHC-PAC's statewide voting guide!
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Here it is! OVHC-PAC's June 2016 voting guide!

We have reached out to every candidate, sometimes more than once. If you want to know more about your districts' candidates, we encourage you to reach out to them and let us know their response. By this point, we do feel this is an accurate reflection of candidates. If, for any reason, you see something you do not agree with- please let us know and we can help you understand why they are each marked the way they are.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to vote on Tuesday. Vaccine mandates have become a real liberty litmus test. The Parental Rights Immunization Act was even selected by the conservative index to rate legislators on their protection of personal liberty! Personal freedom is personal freedom. Getting liberty minded elected officials in office (in all 77 counties!!!) is so vital to our states ability to hold back health mandates. Get out these next few days and campaign for the candidate you feel is best!

Her is the link to our guide -

You will see our endorsements are listed on the main page and by clicking the button on the left hand side (or top if you are on a mobile device) you can access the FULL voting guide!

Of course, as we work our way up to the November elections, this guide will change. Please stay connected, stay involved. We can't do it alone!!

Thanks and see you at the polls!

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