Wednesday, May 25, 2016

VAXXED is coming to OKC & Tulsa! Promo materials inside!

Don't miss the most important movie you will ever see!
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VaxXed is coming to both Oklahoma City AND Tulsa! You don't want to miss this opportunity to be part of the most important movie of the year!

Watch the trailer here -

OKC movie goers, purchase tickets here -

Tulsa movie goers, purchase tickets here -

Want to gift some tickets? Two ways to do this. Purchase extra tickets and pass them out to your colleagues, acquaintances, friends, teachers, babysitters, doctors, etc.


Donate to OVHC-PAC and we will see to it that tickets are purchased for legislators, doctors, and other people in positions of authority. Donate here -

We are also asking for "Yen Ten" Sponsorships for the OKC area. Commit to purchase ten tickets to donate and we will pass them out to Senator Yen's constituents! How cool is that? We MUST reach as many people as we possibly can with this movie if we are to generate any type of change!
Want to get involved and stay up to date with current promotional happenings? Join the Facebook groups!
Bring VaxXed to OKC group -
Bring VaxXed to Tulsa group -
Postcards and mini posters are available by email request. Please respond to this email and tell us how many you need and where to send them. Let's reach as many people as possible before opening night next week!
Below are promotional posters for web and email sharing. Please download and SHARE SHARE SHARE!

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Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice - PAC
PO Box 721356
Norman, Ok 73070

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