Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hurry! Political Leadership Class

Register now for early bird special!
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Political Leadership Class

OVHC, it's time to get ready to protect our parental rights! This one day class on January 14th will get you ready! You must register to attend. Seating is very limited!! The $40.00 registration will go up to $50.00 after December 31st. Please take advantage of the Early Bird special! This includes lunch, snack, beverages and all your materials. This class will be taught by Kirk Shelley. His impressive biography is at the bottom of this email.
The instructors of this course have years of experience putting these principles to work in multiple states. They have worked for the cause of freedom with organizations such as National Right to Work Committee, National Pro-Life Alliance, National Association for Gun Rights, and Campaign for Liberty as well as federal, state, and local campaigns, including major presidential campaigns, and successful campaigns for U.S. Senate and Congress. They know what works, and... also what has been proven not to work in getting politicians to vote right.

This class will teach you how to turn your passion into effective action!!

This intense one-day training includes your lunch/snacks and will cover:

~The Real Nature of Politics - why just "educating" people alone won't result in change.

~The Biggest Lie in Politics - and how the political class uses your convictions against you.

~How to work effectively at the capitol - getting a bill sponsor and a roll call vote despite the leadership.

~How to build a group - putting pressure on legislators.
Who is Kirk Shelley?
I'm excited to announce that our instructor for January 14th will be Kirk Shelley! Kirk and I met after he watched Vaxxed and he was anxious to help us and join with us in the fight for vaccine choice and informed consent.
Kirk's Biography: Kirk Shelley is the Senior Consultant for State Operations for Campaign for Liberty, Senior Consultant for the National Association for Gun Rights and Senior Instructor for the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership.He started working in grassroots politics in North Carolina as a college activist working on the late Senator Jessie Helms campaign. Following college the Right to Work Committee hired him to work in state legislation.

When he began work in Iowa in 1989, pro-Right to Work legislators made up less than a third of the General Assembly. By 1995 fully 66% of the legislature supported Right to Work. In seven years with the Oklahoma Freedom to Work Committee, he created an 110,000-member organization. The legislature has changed from less than 1/3 of support of voluntary union membership in 1993 to the successful passage of Right to Work in Oklahoma on September 25, 2001. As a general consultant, Mr. Shelley has worked on 237 State House and Senate campaigns in 10 states and has a winning percentage of 89%, as well as working on a number of congressional and statewide races, and he was the Oklahoma coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign in 2008. During the 2012 Ron Paul campaign he was a special consultant to caucus and convention states and was a special consultant in the 2016 Rand Paul Presidential Campaign.

He has worked in every state but Vermont doing consulting, election or legislative projects.Mr. Shelley has a great deal of experience heading up local projects for local and national organizations to increase grassroots awareness of key issues. He has worked on subjects ranging from home mortgage deductions, medical scope of practice, home schooling, property rights, Superfund Reform, tort reform and transportation issues. His work has included grassroots and grass tops mobilization, media briefings, and getting OP-ED placemen as well as the use of direct mail and internet marketing. A graduate of East Carolina University, Mr. Shelley lives in Oklahoma City. He has four children. He was a home school dad for a season, and served on the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Christian Home Educator's Consociation. A veteran of Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1990, he is an honorably discharged Captain in the Army Reserve.
We sincerely hope you can join us before all spaces are taken!
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