Saturday, February 18, 2017


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Action Alert!!

If you haven't already heard, SB 83 by Senator Yen could be heard this Monday, February 20th at about 1:45-2:00 in room 535. The midwife bill (SB 747 would prohibit midwife attended VBAC's at home. This would severely limit parental choice for parents wanting a VBAC) is definitely on the agenda so it won't be a wasted trip even if SB 83 is not heard.

1) Call and email the Senate HHS committee this weekend! If you call, leave a message. They'll get it Monday morning. Obliterate their inboxes too! Put "Vote NO SB 83" in the subject line and if you are a constituent, please include that important detail. - 405-521-5535 - 405-521-5628 - 405-521-5531 - 405-521-5610 - 405-521-5545 - 405-521-5607 - 405-521-5614 - 405-521-5541 - 405-521-5620 - 405-521-5622 - 405-521-5590

2) Plan to join us there for the HHS committee meeting Monday afternoon. Children are welcome, but be prepared to take them out if they get noisy. Please arrive by 1:45 and wear your OVHC shirt! If you don't have one, order by Sunday evening and include a note that you would like us to bring your shirt to the Capitol on Monday. RSVP for the HHS meeting is not required, but encouraged here.

3) Not only do we need your beautiful faces there wearing your OVHC shirt, but we need a picture of your vaccine-injured child.... We need the raw and real life stuff that we have to deal with. It will be shown to our senators and we just need your city with the picture. We could also use any video you have. We need these by Sunday afternoon so hurry! Email it to ASAP!

4) Pray Big! No SB83! ❤️ Also, a reminder no matter how you feel about Senator Yen, take the high road. We are being watched for any misstep. We have truth on our side and don't need to be disrespectful in any way. Stay humble, yet fierce! 🇺🇸 #NOSB83
Here are the other bills we are watching:
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