Monday, March 6, 2017



Call and email your state senator and let him or her know that you oppose SB83 and you hope they do too! Simple talking points are included below.

Don't know who your state senator is?
Please put in your complete address and scroll down to "state senator." Lankford & Inhofe are NOT your state senators.
But first, watch this epic 2-minute video from OCPAC and what they think about Senator Yen's "tricks."
Use these talking points for speaking and writing to your senator:
1) On Monday, February 27th, Senator Yen's bill, SB 83, was heard in the HHS Committee. However, it was not the same bill. Senator Yen completely changed the bill to read that exemptions stay, but parents must watch an educational video module before obtaining exemptions. This is being passed off as a "compromise" to the entire legislature as well as parents. We don't see it as a compromise. We call it what it is: An unnecessary barrier that adds new levels of government bureaucracy before parents can exercise their rights to exemptions! There are many problems with this bill, but most importantly, this is exactly the path that California took before their exemptions were taken away. Need I say more? It is imperative you call and write to your senator about this bill.

2) On Wednesday, March 1st, Representative Tom Gann's bill, HB 1386, the "informed consent" bill, was heard in the House Appropriations Committee. The bill failed with a 14 to 12 vote.

3) Also on Wednesday, March 1st, KOCO Channel 5's Markie Martin sat down with OVHC president, Liza Greve, and OVHC director of the Health Advisory Board, Andy Revelis, MD and listened as they explained why vaccine mandates are never a good idea. Watch this unbelievable interview here.

4) There are still some rumors circulating that OVHC is an "anti-vaccine" group who sent postcards with graphics that liken Senator Yen to a communist dictator. Please continue to remind your senator that OVHC was not responsible for such mailings and we do not approve of such tactics. Our policy has always been to stick with the issues. No personal attacks. Our statement is here.

We do not yet know when SB 83 will be heard on the Senate Floor. Please stay tuned for updates! You can also follow our public Facebook page and join us in our closed Facebook group.

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